Ravens are large black birds with thick bills that primarily live in the woodlands of Zyrkthraan. They are believed by the Aurilore to be servants of Ezethia, the Skia Veldrane of secrets, and do her bidding by drinking the blood of living creatures to steal their secrets. In reality, ravens are scavengers with occasional predatory behaviors and live off of a diet of 70% meat, with the other 30% being plant matter. They prefer to wait for other, more advanced predators to kill something for them, so when they do kill something themselves, it is usually a small rodent that is easy to quickly kill with it's beak. They have a penchant for things that have value and have been seen stealing entire coin purses from travelers, with the things they steal not necessarily being shiny or otherwise physically alluring. They are highly intelligent and can learn the schedules of people in order to work around them.
Ravens were sacred animals to the Kroeven people, especially the Raven-Kin group. It is believed that Ezethia blessed them with talismans that enabled them to transform into ravens, although the purpose of such a thing is unknown.