Vethrala, also known as Theramth, is an island segmented into two parts that are connected by a land bridge. It is home to both the Caeluvex and the Duuema, two distinct groups of elves that live in tenuous harmony.
The island is broken up into two distinct parts: Chajlor, the northern segment, and Uumarkjth, the southern segment. The Galthalen Pass is the land bridge that connects the two segments of Vethrala together. In the past, it served as the point of trade between the Abstuutha clan and the city of Vouudakfel, although now it is used to transport food from the farmlands into the established Duuema settlements.
While the Duuema utilized the Pass extensively, no other culture that ever resided in the area had a use for it. The Caeluvex, who migrated to Vethrala only a hundred or so years before the Vanishment, only reside on Chajlor. They do not use the Pass, as they have no use for the ashy land that lies between the volcanoes on Uumarkjth.
As well, the ancient Kroeven that had communities on the south-western outcropping of Chajlor had much the same feeling about the ashlands. They had, at times, passed over to the ashlands, but typically via boat instead of land. This was not common, though, as the Abstuutha were incredibly superstitious of them and would hunt them when they came into their lands.
The Pass is colloquially called "The Way" by the Abstuutha. Whenever they speak of other cultures, they typically refer to them as being from "across The Way," specifically meaning the land bridge. In modern times, the Abstuutha that live in Vouudakfel have come to associate the term with the man-made bridge that separates their sector from the more affluent sectors.
There are 3 volcanoes, one on Chajlor and two on Uumarkjth.
The volcano on Chajlor is called Dak var Thera in Duuemarj, Mount Elom in Vexian, or Mount Vouudakfel in Thraanic, is the primary volcano on Velthrala. It has long been home to the Duuema, elves that believe they were sent from Celestia to inhabit the Mortalis before any other race. The volcano contains the city of Vouudakfel, the first city built by the Duuema, and also contains the very real Tower to Celestia from which it gained its name.
The volcano is thought to be the largest volcano in all of Zyrkthraan, and its lava, which is constantly flowing, provides a lasting source of noctithil. This metal is used to create unbreakable weapons and armor, among other things. It is considered a rare and valuable material in other provinces, with the cost of noctithil increasing exponentially the further from Vethrala you go.
Dak var Thera also provides year-round geothermal heating to the entire island. This is taken advantage of by the Duuema, who exist for most of their lives around the volcano not needing to worry about cold temperatures at all. The Caeluvex, who live on the surface, also benefit from the heat. They have been known to dig into the ground to create farmland closer to the heat, especially in cooler months.
The southern volcano on Uumarkjth is Shjshal in Duuemarj and Malurmok in Vexian. The northern volcano on Uumarkjth is Stjthka in Duuemarj and Veros Kal in Vexian.
- Dak var Thera is dormant, and does not erupt any longer. However, due to the seismic activity created by Starfall in Harmonic 462, it did start erupting again. The last recorded full eruption was in Harmonic 895, when it gradually returned to dormancy.
- Shjshal is active, staying in a state of unrest at most times. a full eruption has not been recorded in recent history, so it is unknown when it last erupted.
- Stjthka is active, and regularly has small eruptions.
- Temperature: Colder, annual average low of 74F, high of 86F
- Precipitation: Rainy, rainfall is common, with monsoons throughout the year
- Rainforests primarily gathered on the slopes of mountains and volcanoes
- Grasses, sedge, and flowering plants abundant
- Dense bamboo forests surrounding the rainforests and on Uumarkjth